A Cultivated And Proven Leader
After moving across the country in the middle of High School and adapting and integrating with new challenges Tony decided that he wanted to buckle down and finish his pursuit of becoming an Eagle Scout.
During his senior year Tony worked hard along side normal school demands and maintaining his status as an honor student to lead his troop as the Senior Patrol Leader. He organized and executed his Eagle Service Leadership project in the Sequoia National Forest where he led teams of scouts to make trails available to the public by blazing trees and bucking fallen trees.
On July 10, 1987 Tony fulfilled all the requirements and officially became an Eagle Scout which has been the foundation for all his leadership, patriotism, faith and community service beliefs and activities.
Tony has gone on to hold executive and founding positions in various collegiate and social organizations and has continued to advanced his personal growth and leadership skills by frequently reading and listening to growth audios and attending growth seminars put on by Landmark Education, Stephen Covey, John C. Maxwell and World Wide Dreambuilders.
Community Service
On the Air
September, 2009 - Washington D.C.
Tony and his wife, Alyona, speaking on national radio with Roger Hedgecock from Washington D.C.
Citizen Lobbyist
September, 2009 - Washington D.C.
Tony and his wife, Alyona, lobbying Congress and elected officials at the U.S. Capitol for immigration and healthcare.
Community Church Builder
2011 to 2014 - Tierrasanta, CA
Tony leads a capital campaign at Tierrasanta Lutheran Church to raise funds to build a new youth building on his church campus. The project raised over $600,000 and the project was completed in 3 years with a surplus.
Community Church Treasurer / CFO
2012 to 2015 - Tierrasanta, CA
Tony becomes a bonded officer and member of the Executive Committee at Tierrasanta Lutheran Church acting as the Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer. He oversees all financial matters of the church (including budgetting, trends and forcasting) and participates in all executive oversight, operation and vision. He is instrumental in choosing and working with an external consultant to engage in a 6-month introspective process to re-establish mission and purpose for re-invigorated evangelism.
Political Campaigns
2010 - San Diego, CA
Worked to bring about social change in political campaigns for two congressional races for districts in San Diego County. Engaged people publically and privately.
Ventura Tec
September, 2024 - San Diego, CA
Tony gives a CTO interview to Ventura Tec on managing teams, the emerging role of AI and making the best strategic decisions.
VP Circle
October, 2024 - San Diego, CA
Tony facilitates an AI panel event with VP Circle targeting VPs and above. Topics included the nature of AI, AI agents, digital twins and the social good.
Industry Contributions
June, 2024 - San Diego, CA
Tony publishes an article about the big questions surrounding AI and discusses such topics as the nature of AI, is it intelligent and does it have natural rights?
Scientific Publications
Tony has contributed to the scientific knowledge base of Computational Chemistry and Rational Drug Design through his work in crafting chemistry software and scientific algorithms to minimize hydrogen positions of proteins and protein-ligand complexes.
Protein structure is determined by X-ray Crystallography, a process which can identify positions of heavy atoms but not the hydrogen atoms which are essential for protein structure and energy computations.
By utilizing a Self-Consistent Mean Field Reduction algorithm to calculate energetically favorable hydrogen positions his work became foundational for his team. Because of this collaboration and contribution on multiple projects he is co-author with his team on several scientific publications:
Hierarchy of Simulation Models in Predicting Structure and Energetics of the Src SH2 Domain Binding to Tyrosyl Phosphopeptides
February 2002
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45(1):72-89DOI: 10.1021/jm0101141
Chapter 8 Monte Carlo simulations of HIV-1 protease binding dynamics and thermodynamics with ensembles of protein conformations: Incorporating protein flexibility in deciphering mechanisms of molecular recognition
December 2001
DOI: 10.1016/S1380-7323(01)80009-1
In book: Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (pp.289-340)
Hierarchy of simulation models in predicting molecular recognition mechanisms from the binding energy landscapes: Structural analysis of the peptide complexes with SH2 domains
December 2001
Proteins Structure Function and Bioinformatics 45(4):456 - 470DOI: 10.1002/prot.10019
Navigating ligand-protein binding free energy landscapes: Universality and diversity of protein folding and molecular recognition mechanisms
March 2001
Chemical Physics Letters 336(5):495-503Parallel simulated tempering dynamics of ligand–protein binding with ensembles of protein conformations
March 2001
Chemical Physics Letters 337(1-3):181-189Deciphering common failures in molecular docking of ligand-protein complexes
December 2000
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 14(8):731-51Towards understanding the mechanisms of molecular recognition by computer simulations of ligand-protein interactions
November 1999
Journal of Molecular Recognition 12(6):371-89DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1352(199911/12)12:6<371::AID-JMR479>3.0.CO;2-O
Computer simulations of ligand–protein binding with ensembles of protein conformations: A Monte Carlo study of HIV‐1 protease binding energy landscapes
March 1999
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 72(1):73 - 84DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-461X(1999)72:1<73::AID-QUA7>3.0.CO;2-O
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Ligand-Protein Binding Studied With the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method and Simulated Annealing
February 1999
Pacific Symposium on BiocomputingThermodynamics and Kinetics of Ligand-Protein Binding Studied with the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method and Simulated Annealing.
January 1999
Computer simulations of ligand-protein binding with ensembles of protein conformations: A Monte Carlo study of HIV1 protease binding energy landscapes
January 1999
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